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The 35th Speech and Prize Giving Day organised for the year 2018 was a success. The ceremony coincided with the 25th Anniversay of NOSA 93 (Nunsec Old Student's Association, 1993 year group). The theme for the celebration was "Free SHS,the Role of Stakeholders to Achieve Quality Education". The Guest of Honour was Hon. Elizabeth A. Quaye (Minister of Fisheries and Aqua Culture, MP for Krowor). The Guest Speaker was Dr. Kwabena B Tandoh (Ag. Deputy Director-General, Ghana Education Service) and the chairperson for the celebration was Hon Kwamena Bartels.
The event witnessed some spectacular shows and display from the school's cadet, choir and the student body in general. The day was eventfully celebrated with a good representation of NOSA, who presented some awards to the students
The Overall best student was awarded to Master Emmanuel Andoh of SH1 and Master Enock Bortier Bortey of SH2
Headmistress inspecting the Guard of Honour
A section of the Students
Cultural performance by the school cultural club
Presentation of Awards to former Headmistress by NOSA NATIONAL
NOSA National President
The School's Cadet Corp display
NOSA 93 organised a health walk on the 17th of November 2018 in the Nungua township. This was one of the many events that preceded the 35th Speech and Prize Giving Day celebration.
Headmistress inspecting the Guard of Honour
A section of the Students
Cultural performance by the school cultural club
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